Storing steamer during winter time is easy if you made good prepping

Service Manuals

Prepping your Fortador Steam Cleaner for winter storage

Storing steamer during winter time is easy if you made good prepping

Prepping your Fortador Steam Cleaner for winter storage

When It's Needed

If you are not going to use your Fortador during winter time you will need to prep it for long storage, we highly recommend to store unit in heated place and avoid keeping it below freezing point. Water expands 10% on freezing and can dramatically damage your steamer that will costs a lot of time and money on repair.


Drainage Valves of Fortador PRO PLUS
Drainage Valves of Fortador PRO PLUS

1) Drain all liquids from Water Tank and Detergent tanks opening draining valves

Service Screen Pumps Reverse Mode activation
Service Screen Pumps Reverse Mode activation

2) Go to Service Screen on your touchscreen and activate reverse mode fo each pump one by one pump out rest of liquids

3) Close all drainage valves

4) Fill your Water and Deteregnt Tanks with Antifreeze

5) Start the unit and heat it up to 16 bar like normal use, this will make extra protection of your steamer.

6) Use all hoses and make 10-15 minutes of steaming in all modes: Dry steam, Wet Steam, Detergent Steam and Shampooing, so all pipes will be filled with Antifreeze and all the rest of water/detergents will be replaced with antifreeze.

7) Turn Steamer off and drain again all antifreeze from all tanks like in (1)

Water Filter
Water Filter

8) Make same reverse pumping like in (2), Unscrew your Water filter

9) Drain your diesel (very important), because diesel can be parafinazed during long storage

Diesel Filter
Diesel Filter

10) Unscrew Diesel Filter and clean metal housing with papertowel

11) If you have time make maintenance of your burner or leave it for spring