Common Trees that Produce Sticky Sap

- Maple trees produce sugary sap and can all be tapped for syrup
- Birch trees, while less sugary, the birch trees can also have their sap tapped for consumption.
- Walnut trees produce sugary sap, but in fewer quantities than maple trees
There are many different kinds of sap out there, but nonetheless they are all damaging to your car, so taking precautions like trimming trees on your property regularly or not parking close to trees if you live in an apartment building. Fresh sap is easiest to remove because it has not yet glued to the paint and can be washed off quicker.
Side note: Just like bird droppings, tree sap can damage paint easily. Make sure to inspect and wash your car regularly to avoid a tedious cleaning process of removal.
Essential Materials for Removing Hardened Tree Sap
- Car wash materials - you are going to need to wash your car prior to starting the process of removing tree sap
- Isopropyl alcohol - rubbing alcohol or isopropyl alcohol can be one of the components that will aid you to get rid of the sap
- Nail polish remover - if you accumulate pine sap on your car, the acetone in the nail polish remover is a great fix for this issue
- Baking soda - you will have to mix the baking soda with hot water to make a paste for cleaning off the area where a nail polish remover was used
- Microfiber cloth - a soft cloth or multiple are needed to wipe off the tree sap from your car or wipe off the residue
- Hand sanitizer - if you do not have rubbing alcohol on hand, most sanitizers have contents of alcohol
- Tar remover - also works as a sap remover
- Cotton balls - a small cotton ball is great for applying solutions to scrub off the tree sap
- WD-40 - remover solution for use in cars and upholstery
- Elbow grease - alternative to a sap remover
- Commercial tree sap remover - if you would rather get a solution to remove tree sap, there is a wide selection of solutions that can be found at an auto parts store
- Hot water - if you find hardened tree sap on your car, you will need to use hot water to soften it
- Razor blade or box cutter blade - these can be used to scrape off tree sap from
- Non abrasive scrub brush - when removing tree sap from your car, the brush can be used to gently move the sap
- Bacon grease - a rather unpleasant and smelly tool to use as a sap remover, but the oily texture has proved to remove pine sap from your car
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Four Easy Steps to Safely Remove Tree Sap from Your Car
Step 1: Properly Wash Your Car to Remove Dirt and Grime

The first and most important thing to do in order to get rid off a tree sap is to wash your car. Whether you decide to do it at a car wash or at home, you will have better visibility when all the dirt will be removed.
If removing sap by washing your car will not help, you will have to take the steps below.
Step 2: Identify and Assess the Type of Tree Sap

Check to see where the tree sap is located. Depending if it is a dried on sap or sticky sap and the area where the sap is located with play a role in the process to remove it. Removing tree sap on car paint is a rather difficult job because if done incorrectly, it can result in paying for a new paint job. It is frustrating to clean if you are not patient, so take your time to remove sap without causing any damage. Windows are fairly easier to remove sap from, as you can carefully use a box cutter blade to help you.
Step 3: Effective Techniques for Soaking and Removing Tree Sap

Sap on a car can be scattered in different areas or only be in one place. There are many options that can be available in your house, or you can go to an auto parts store to buy a remover solution.
What to do if you have tree sap on your car's paint
- Isopropyl alcohol
Apply a few drops of rubbing alcohol isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol on a microfiber cloth or a cotton ball. Place it on the area with tree sap and leave it on for at least 30 seconds. Avoid applying too much alcohol as it can be very abrasive on the paint.
Start to gently agitate the soaked surface until the sap dissipates. If you need a little more help, try applying elbow grease which is less harsh on the paint
- Hand sanitizer
If you do not have alcohol on hand, you can substitute it for hand sanitizer to remove tree sap. Start by soaking a cotton ball with hand sanitizer. Then, agitate the tree sap area with the soaked cotton ball until it comes off.
- Commercial cleaner
If you choose to buy commercial cleaners for tree sap instead, simply follow the instructions on the back of the product. Usually, you would apply it a microfiber cloth, place the terry cloth on the affected are for 30 seconds, then gently scrape the sap off. When you are done, rinse the affected area with water or wipe it with a damp cloth.
What to do if you have tree sap on your windshield

If you notice that there is tree sap on your windshield, do not try to clean it off with your windshield wipers. You are more likely to spread the sap all over the window and make it gooey, causing you to spend extra money on solutions and new windshield wipers
- Rubbing alcohol
Soak a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and place it on the tree sap for approximately 5 to 10 minutes. After, rub the the soaked cotton ball on the sap. Wipe the affected area to dissolve tree sap. Wipe with a clean cotton ball to get rid of any remaining sap and sap residue.
- Box cutter blade
If you found hardened tree sap on your windshield or windows, you could gently scratch it off by using a box cutter blade.
- White vinegar
Spray the affected area with white vinegar liberally. Let the vinegar sit on it for 5 to 8 minutes. After, wipe the area with a dry paper towel followed by a rinse with warm water.
If after cleaning your car from tree sap you will find some areas covered with water spots, check this guide for water spots removal.
What to do if you have hardened tree sap or pine sap on your car
- Hot water or steam
For stubborn sap on your car, you will need extra steps to make sure it will come off. By using hot water, the sap will soften and make wiping it off a lot easier. Dampen a microfiber cloth with hot water, add alcohol on it, and scrub the area.
Sticky pine sap can be annoying to remove. When removing pine sap, you are going to need nail polish remover and a bit of elbow grease. Get a cotton ball, soak it with nail polish remover, and go over the affected area in circular motions until you see the sap coming off.
Once you see the pine sap has been removed, start preparing a paste of baking soda and water to clean the area touched by the nail polish remover. Combine 1 cup of baking soda and 3 cups of hot water, apply to a terry cloth, and clean off the sap residue with it.
Learn more about best microfiber towels for glass.
Step 4: Complete the Process with a Thorough Car Wash and Wax

After you are done with your tree sap removal, you will need to take your car to a car wash again or wash it yourself to make sure all the sap has been removed.
To complete your cleaning process, apply car wax on your car for a new layer of protection for your paint. If you are looking for extra protection, you can apply sealant after wax for an extra layer on your paint.
Pro Tip
Try citrus-based cleaners. Apply directly to sap, let it sit, then gently wipe away with a cloth. Rinse with water. These cleaners effectively dissolve sap and leave a pleasant scent. Test on a small area first.
PRO Techniques for Removing Tree Sap from Your Car
Steam cleaning tree sap
If you are aware of industry trends, you probably already know of the steam cleaning cars. There are steam cleaners on the market that are able to clean the interior and the exterior of cars with ease and without the use of any chemicals unless needed. The dry steam that comes out from a gun is a powerful tool for any cleaning process. It can also be used to remove tree sap.
Use a steam cleaner after you wash your car. The steam will soften the hardened sap a lot quicker, after which you will be able to wipe it off. Sometimes the pressure of the steam will remove the tree sap pellets off a car without having to wipe.
You can use the steam cleaner for sap removal on the car's paint as well as windows. Even though the steam is very hot, reaching temperatures up to 375 Fahrenheit, it is not damaging to the paint and interior when used correctly and is great for tough jobs like removing tree sap from a car.
Tree Sap Stain removal out of car
if there are any remaining sap residues after the initial cleaning, it's advisable to repeat the treatment process until you've completely removed all traces of sap from your car's surface. This ensures your car's paint remains in pristine condition, free from any lingering sap residues that could potentially damage the finish over time.
Essential Tips for Post-Sap Removal Car Care
When you are done removing sap, there are numerous things you can do to protect the paint. Using a clay bar is great for making sure your car's surface is smooth and shiny again. Here's a link to a 101 guide how to clay bar your car:
If you are looking for extra protection, try looking into getting a ceramic coating treatment, here is an article showing how you can apply the ceramic coating yourself.
Learn more about best drying towels for cars

No matter what type of tree sap you acquire on your car, they are damaging on your car. Do not wait for the sap to dry under the sun and become hardened, as it will take much more work to clean it all off. As soon as you see sap, get to work. If you leave the sap on your car for too long, you are risking having a sap stain that will have to be buffed out or getting a clay bar treatment.
There are lots of methods to achieve a clean surface again, so do not worry if you do not want to buy a commercial tree sap remover to tackle your problem, you probably have everything you need already.
Commonly asked questions
Q: What is the best product to remove tree sap?
A: Isopropyl Alcohol or Hand Sanitizer is the easiest to get product to remove tree sap with microfiber towel
Q: Does vinegar remove sap?
A: Yes, you can remove tree sap with vinegar, just be carefull and not damage your clear coat
Q: Will a car wash remove tree sap?
A: Carwash is not enough to completely remove tree sap, you will need to spend some time and remove tree sap residues using isoprpyl alchohol or vinegar